Full Chapter List Below

LIFE | Unit 1 From Atoms to Cells

Demo video

Students embark on one continuous journey that allows them to understand and appreciate the interconnections between the subatomic, atomic, molecular, macromolecular, and cellular worlds. We explain the underlying “why” questions so they can genuinely understand rather than memorize discrete facts.
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LIFE | Unit 2 Photosynthesis and Respiration

Demo video

Students witness how macromolecular machines come to life by learning about the flow of energy. We learn how the same electrons and protons we learned about in Unit 1 power the photosynthesis and cellular respiration machinery. Stunning, accurate visualizations allow students to understand chemical energy like never before.
Full Chapter List Below

LIFE | Unit 3 Genetics The Cycle of Life

Demo video

This unit is unlike any other genetics resource in that all of the content is tied together into one single story. We begin by “pressing the play button” on the cycle of life as students embark on one continuous journey beginning with the structure of DNA and ending with non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance.
Full Chapter List Below

LIFE | Unit 4 Evolution | Life in Perspective

Demo video

This unit is unlike any other genetics resource in that all of the content is tied together into one single story. We begin by “pressing the play button” on the cycle of life as students embark on one continuous journey beginning with the structure of DNA and ending with non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance.
Full Chapter List Below

LIFE | Unit 5 Ecology | Life's Symphony

Demo video

This unit is unlike any other genetics resource in that all of the content is tied together into one single story. We begin by “pressing the play button” on the cycle of life as students embark on one continuous journey beginning with the structure of DNA and ending with non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance.

The Entire LIFE Series!

LIFE | Units 1-5

Unit 1 | From Atoms to Cells
Unit 2 | Photosynthesis and Respiration
Unit 3 | Genetics | The Cycle of Life
Unit 4 | Evolution | Putting Life in Perspective
Unit 5 | Ecology | The Symphony of Life
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