Smart Biology Academy

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Truly understand biology!

5 amazing units...

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  • 8 animated lessons
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  • full look & feel experience
  • Mobile Friendly


Unit level topics for those who want to jump into specific content
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  • 3D Animated LESSONs
  • high-RES figures
  • accompanying TEXT
  • Mobile Friendly
  • progress badges and more!


Unit bundles for those seeking deeper learning & continuity

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  • university/college course content equivalent
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All 5 units for learners eager to learn it all, at anytime.

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Only $1/chapter!
Immerse features plus:
  • equivalent to full-year intro bio university/college course

See what's inside

Units overview

Unit 1
From Atoms to Cells
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 | The Subatomic World | The Building Blocks of Atoms (17 lessons)

Chapter 2 | The Atomic World | From Atoms to Molecules (22 lessons)

Chapter 3 | The Molecular and Macromolecular Worlds (25 lessons)

Chapter 4 | Macromolecular Machines | Proteins (25 lessons)

Chapter 5 | The Cellular World | A Manifestation of the Macromolecular World (24 lessons)

Total: 113 lessons

Demo Video

Table of Contents

Chapter 6 | Understanding Chemical Energy (15 lessons)

Chapter 7 | How Cells Extract Energy from Glucose (17 lessons)

Chapter 8 | Plants Make Glucose for Everyone (16 lessons)

Total: 48 lessons

Demo Video

Table of Contents

Chapter 9 | The Growing Cell | From Genes to Proteins (34 lessons)

Chapter 10 | The Dividing Cell | Completing the Cell Cycle (18 lessons)

Chapter 11 | The Multicellular Life Cycle | Sexual Reproduction and Meiosis (22 lessons)

Chapter 12 | Heredity and Inheritance | Following Genes From One Life Cycle to the Next (21 lessons)

Total: 95 lessons

Demo Video

Table of Contents

Chapter 13 | Life Evolves (31 lessons)

Chapter 14 | The Evidence for Evolution (31 lessons)

Chapter 15 | A Whole Lot of Time | Hiking Through the History of Evolution (30 lessons)

Chapter 16 | Microevolution of Evolving Populations (18 lessons)

Chapter 17 | Macroevolution of Species and Biological Diversity (16 lessons)

Total: 126 lessons

Demo Video

Table of Contents

Chapter 18 | The Physical World (30 lessons)

Chapter 19 | Individual, Population, and Community Interactions (26 lessons)

Chapter 20 | Coming Full Circle | The Sun Powers the Cycling of Life (21 lessons)

Total: 77 lessons

Demo Video

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